Thursday, April 26, 2007

thinking through pg.896-897#2

Why did I do it? why, I regret so much, I destroyed myself as person and all the value I had , I just put myself so down. Well ,this is how my story goes. I was just 17 years old,my attitude was really bad and I always wanted to have fun but one of the things that I was really obsesed with ,was with money. For me money was everything because I could by me all the thing I wanted to buy and careless for the prise . Expensive things were the best for me, I just wanted to have the best and look the best. One day all of that was gone, can you belive that? I was so desperate that I would do anything to get money and careless of what was it and the consecuences it could bring me. One morning when I was going to school I saw some of my friends hanging by a car that looked really expensive. I went by there and talk to them, and when I turned over to see who was driving, it aws the hottest guy I had ever seen. I swear I could stand stare at him. All my friend were over him , flurtting and everything,but one thing that I thought it wouldn't happen was that he ask my name and started talking to me. My friends got really jelous of me so they just left all mad and looked kind of upset with me but I really didn't cared cause he was gorgeous and plus it looked that he had money. After that day, him and me started going out , he was the best person Ihad ever meet. He bought me anything I wanted, he would give me everything without wanting anything back, I felt so happpy and luky. At scool my friends used to tell me so many bad things about him,that he was bad but one of the worst things they told me was that he saled drugs. I just couldn't belive that , they were just jelous. Everything was so good but one day he asked me that he wanted to have sex with me and I said no, he got so mad that he just didn't cared and forsed me to do that. He didn't cared what I was feeling and that he hurted me. After what he did he didn't told me anything like sorry or an appology.It was during the weekened and all the weekends he used to buy me close , shoes or anything I wanted but that weekened he didn't. I was so upset cause he used to buy me stuff but now cause I wouln't have sex with him he stoped.I couln't live without money ,so to get what I wanted I just had sex with him anyways. I had to have sex with him to get what I wanted.Months passed and I sarted feeling really bad so I decided to go to the doctor , he checked me and everything.When he had my results he told me that I had a kind of aid from having sexual relationships. I felt awful cause I could die , I went to tell him about it and he just said that it wasen't him , that I was being a slat and that cause of me he was going to die. This was the end of me and my life , my parents were sad and coulnt believe it. But it happened, now I'm recruited in a hospital in bed , surffering and 3 more moths to live. I dont even know why me , but it was my fault because of all the stuped things I did to get money now its all gone , even me.I regret this so bad and just wishe to go back and do the right thing ,but it can be and it will never happen. I should of thought of that since the begining.The only advise I could give anyone is that to never put yourself down to anyone and anything cause the counsecuences can be deathly, so try to make the right desisions and you'll achieve your goals. THE END

Monday, April 2, 2007

RE: War in Iraq

Ithink the war that is going on right now in Irak is really not worth it because rather than helping us , is killing us and others.Its destroying many communities and really,we are not getting many good things out of it.I think the war should be stoped because alot of money is being wasted in vein.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Drop of Milk

1:The question that I have about events in this mith is who might of spilled the milk drop.and also, who is believed to have created this mith.
2:according to the first part of this mith, the world was created by a big drop of milk then a stone was created which turned into iron , it made fire which made water then made air.the 5 elements were taken and shaped into man and which man was proud of.
4:they were defeated because they were being self absorbing ech other.

5:I think Doondari returns as Gueno because he wanted to be eternal and not die.
6:the truths that I found about human nature of life in this myth are,that,how everything can be defeated and nothing can last forever.and that,as something is being created something else will be created from that later on.
7:If man had not been proud, the people would have been helping more towards other than to themselves.
8:they relate with life and nature and really show us alot of examples and make us understand how the worl works,us and nature.
9:I find this very thruth interesting and wich makes me think about my life it just makes me think alot and wich I try to think about it and maybe guess why this is like it is.

RE:Teen Parents

I think being teen parents is a difficult task to deal will. it deals with alot of responsabilities.I think being a teen parent is a very bad choice which I will never want to be in.I think they should think about the consecuences of their actions.dealing with pregnancy is hard and it hurts .so think before you open your legs.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Women in Botswana

For the profession of women,they really focus on the collection of velp products to feed their families and they perform the manual labour required in drought relief programes.They are treated less than men .while men get transportation for any where they want to go, the women have to walk to get to the place they want to go.Usually,women get raped alot over there and from that they are more able to get aids like HIV.Their children, when they are born they get born with the aid.Also, the conditions they live in are very bad and their hygene is also badwich I think thats why they live how they live.To get help, they go to programs or churches where they can get the help they need.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

RE: Favorite movie

one of the resent movies I've seen was Freedom was really interesting because it has to do with real life . it showed alot of emotion.the movie was abot gangs fighting for there contained alot of susspence and violence.I loved that movie and I really recomend it for anyone.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

RE: National Food Specialties

one of the desert that I love the most is, pastel de tres leches.this is a desrt that I love to make and eat.its combined with bread,on top of the bread it has whole milk,condenced milk and sweetcondenced milk.then when its all done its layerd up with wipped cream and other toppings . for real, this is the best desert anyone can eat. I'm really serious,its delicious .

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Chinese Poetry

y1: The poem that appealed to me the most was the poem" The River- Merchants Wife" because, the husband leaves her wich is sad and cruel if she was always with him and she loved him .
2:They have known each other for 16 years.The husband left with a really pouding attitude and I think she fells hurt and sad about his absence.
3:The speakers fellings toward the poem are lovely, thoughtful,and serious.
4:In this poem, he gazes at it and describes it as a star river falling because of how the waterfalls fall and also dessolving into clouds.The heart grows rich by repose wich meansthat, the heart grows wealthy by resting and lines 21 and 22 means that he will always be close to what he loves and to leave it to people so they can see it and appreciate it.
5:visualizing the scenes in this poems help me understand the experiences being described because it can help me get into the poem a little more .it helps me understand the poems better.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

RE: handguns

I don't agree with people having handguns because they can cause many having this things some people are able tomake crimes and they have more possibilities to be a threat to the community.sometimes thay can help in a way because they protect them from danger and if someone tries to hurt their properties they are able to protect it.But still hand guns shouln't be allowed.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Mandela and Pericles

1:What Stephen Biko have in common with the Athenian soilders praised by Periclesis that they were both fighters.They were also honored of what they did.their memories were keept as great with honor and remembered because they both helped their country.

2:It was important to Mandela to keep alive the memorie of Biko because,he concidered him as a great person that helped by fighting for his country, its people ,and laws.and that way its country became a great nation and place.Also , Mandela hope to accomplish for his country what Biko helped on wich he lefted and so now they will try to keep it and maybe keep fighting to be a better country with the political things its people and all that surrounds them and that helps them survive.


I really dont have a problem with gay people because everyone knows what to do in their lifes and what they want to be.I also think they should be treated the same way as the others and people needs to stop being racesist because everyone is the same and should be treated the same no matter what.They are really nice funny people and the gay people I know, I get along with them really good. they are really good friends.but anyways thans good I'm straight.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Poems by Sappho

1:The poem that I think I understood the best was ''He is more than a Hero'' because, it had less hard words and I could understand its language more easily,and also understand what she was saying and feeling.

3 A:On the fist poem, thinking about Helen of Troy makes her think about Anactorias absence because it was somebody that left and they didn't saw them again.She only remembered of the things they did and how they were.

B:In the 2nd poem that person is more than a hero because she thinks he is wonderful wich she respects him alot and even maybe she is in love with him.Wich I also think its her husband.

C:The setting described in the 3rd poem is during a sunny sping day, flowers blooming and just a happy beautiful day.

4:She appreciates the beauty of nature because on the 3rd poem, she describes it as beautiful.She values intimate moments of friendship on the 1st and 2nd poem because she talks about people that she adores and respects,and also describes them as great persons.

6:If Sappo's poems were to be set to music today the singer that I think would be perfect to interprate,I think it will be La India because she has a great voice,personality,attitude and her songs are great wich reflects alot of emotions.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Analysis of Women's Role

Athenian women were denied education and hope of equality,they were confined to the home. She was not allowed to eat with her husband and his male friends,men were more powerful than women.''Your great glory is not to be inferior to what God has made you,and the greatest glory of a woman is to be at least talked about by men,whether they are praising you or criticizing you''.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Think Through Mahabarata

1:I think Arjuna is a person that always whants to be the best and be good at what he does.To test his students skills in archery, Drona had craftsmen fashion an artificial bird and attach it to a treetop where it was hardly visible and procede the targeting.Arjuna shows he's the best student because he shot the target and got the birds head at the exact point and succed in his task.Drona reward Arjuna by embracing him and deemed Drupada and his party laid low in battle.

3:The traits that I think were more admired in ancient India were bravery,knowledge,positiveness and stength.

4:I think Drona as a teacher is very focused on his job,he tries that his student do their best and he is too posesive with them.and he always wants his students to do what he says when he says it.

5:The lesson that contains this story is that weapons can be harmful if their not used corectly,wich can kill others or harm them.

6:Drona doesn't really remind me of anyone.

7:I think this leason is true because weapons are dangerous and everyone knows they can harm people if their not used corectly.

Nice Net Post Christmas

christmas is the best holyday for me.I love christmas because I get to open presents and get very exited.I get to be with all my family and just have a good time with them.We sing, dance, eat ,and get to sleep late. I think this is the best holiday there is because is fun and relaxing.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Greek Culture

1:The religion of the ancient Greek is different from that of the Jews,Christins and Muslims because the Greeks had no sacred writings,such as the bible.Their worship centered on an elite group of gods- the 12 Olympians.The developed a rich set of myths about their gods.They put their gods as the ultimate power and also served as a reminder of human limitations.

2:The Olympian gods are like the human beings because thay have human emotions.and they are different because they had different qualities than us.

3:Some features of Athenian democracy are that one-fifth of the population participated in the goverment.A lawmaking bodycalled the assembly passed laws and elected generals.Any citizens could be part of the assembly. each 500 years,they were chosen at random to serve on the council of five hundred, wich proposed laws and advised the assembly.Also, many positions were paid ,so even poor citizens could hold office.

4:The three greatest thinkers of Ancient Greece are Socrates,Plato,Aristotle.

5:Some of the events included in the Olympic Games are, boxing,wrestling,the javelin and discus throws,and rases all kinds.

6:What made the Greek language easy to use was the simplicity of using letters to represent all the sounds in the Greek language.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Egyptian Literature

2:The tone or attitude that describes Nu's speech is really focused and his tone is really serious .The tone he has relates to the situation because he is telling what he wants when he dies and how he wants to be like in his death in grave.Wich is serious because death is a really serious situation wich I think no one really would want to acomplish.

3:In ''Adoration of the Disk'', the speaker thinks Ra should be praised because Ra brings life to the world and when he leaves he takes it with him.When the sun goes up,he brings life to earth and everything stops when the sun goes down.

4:In ''I'm going Downstram,the speaker delight in dreaming of herself standing like a bride beside her love because she's waiting for him and wishes one day to marry him,and also be with him all her life and love each other forever.

6:The selection that gave me the strongest sense of the ''Adoration of the Disk''because,he talks about life and the contents of it wich help me understand that he knows what is it like and seems that he likes it.

7:The poems "I'm going Downstream on Kingswater Canal'' and ''Whenever I leave You differ because one talks about waiting for her love and wishing to marry him and the other has her love wich she wants it to last forever.One is in a place where he's not therwith her and the other has her love by her side.

8:The attitudes of my society and the attitude of the ancient Egyptians about everyday life appreciation and preparation for death compare in some ways,wich are that they all know death will come some day to them and us.They and us know what death is and also we and them have a god to pray.They are more focused about death and try to prepare for it than us.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Think through Gilgamesh

1:When I learned the result of Gilgamesh's quest for immortality,I felt shocked and and still kind of thoughtful about the result and why this occured.

1B:Gilgamesh want to find Utnapishtim because he wanted to seek immortality, also known as eternal life.

1C:The story that Utnapishtim tell Gilgamesh was,the story of The Flood.

1D:Utnapishtim become immmortal because some gods touched his head forhead,and wich he was already immortal.

3:Gilgamesh can't accept the fact that human beings die because in one part, he is two parts god and one part human.also, he is scared of death and going through it.he wants to keep finding answers for why this happens.

4:I think the story ends with Gilgamesh proudly showing the city of Uruk because after traveling for a long time he had accomplished his journey.

5:The event in the story that I think had the strongest effect on Gilgamesh was when his best friend died.

6:I think the story of Gilgamesh might continue by staying in his city and added more gardens and portraits.And in the future I think he would be a great ruler and king with alot of power, he would be a supreme person.

7:In our world today, the different attitudes that people take toward death are more different.when it happens,they cry ,yell and fell verry depressed but as time goes on they relize that they have to deal with it and keeep going with their lifes because one day they will go through death too.They won't forget its loved one but they will keep going.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Quest Story

Some of the quest stories that are popular today are the Odyssey,Harry Potter,Lord of the Rings,Pocalipto,Pirates of the Caribbean,O brother where are art thou,Kill Bill,Rugrats the Movie and Toy Story2. One of the quest stories I choose was Toy Story 2.This is a quest story because is a story that has a hero wich goes on a journey to get what he wants. The main hero in Toy Story 2 was Buzzlightyear. He wanted to get his friend Woddy back home and rescue him from the chicken costume man. Buzzlight yearhad many friends that helped him in his journey,wich were the other toys he had as friends.Although buzzlightyear didn't had any powers his friends had abilities.His friends were the dog,wich could stretch,the piggybank pig,the dinosaur and Mr. potatoe head.There were also characters that wanted to stop them in their journey. They were the Buzzlightyear toy twin,its father,and the old man(stinky pi).But finally at the end,Buzzlightyear and his friends could rescue Woody and get back to where he belonged, to his owner.


I think family is so important because they are the only persons in the world I can count on.They are with me in the good and bad times,they are the ones that listen to me and support me economically and personally.There are so many things that we share, like family moments,pictures,and many other things.They will never leave me alone and always try to get me to go in the right path and be successful in life.I love my family,and I wish everyone thinks sore of like me because our families are the best thing god gave us and wich they will be wiyh us in everything.

Friday, January 5, 2007

"RE: My Village/Town/City"

hey!! "que onda"(means whats up,in case you don't know). My name is Marla Bautista,but you can call me Isamar. I'm from Hidalgo,Mexico but I was raised in Mexico,City. I live in Sarasota,FL, and go to Booker High School, wich is not that bad. I'm a very nice person but I can also be a very mean one.Its simple,you respect me,I respect you, anyways, I love to do many things but one of the things that i like the most is to party and dance alot,I can dance almost everything,but too much about me and less about the place I live.Sarasota is really nice,nice beaches,places,and people.Its a really calm place,so if one day you decide to come you won't regret that much.ok well,I have to go now but I will still be in contact,bey!!