Monday, January 29, 2007

Poems by Sappho

1:The poem that I think I understood the best was ''He is more than a Hero'' because, it had less hard words and I could understand its language more easily,and also understand what she was saying and feeling.

3 A:On the fist poem, thinking about Helen of Troy makes her think about Anactorias absence because it was somebody that left and they didn't saw them again.She only remembered of the things they did and how they were.

B:In the 2nd poem that person is more than a hero because she thinks he is wonderful wich she respects him alot and even maybe she is in love with him.Wich I also think its her husband.

C:The setting described in the 3rd poem is during a sunny sping day, flowers blooming and just a happy beautiful day.

4:She appreciates the beauty of nature because on the 3rd poem, she describes it as beautiful.She values intimate moments of friendship on the 1st and 2nd poem because she talks about people that she adores and respects,and also describes them as great persons.

6:If Sappo's poems were to be set to music today the singer that I think would be perfect to interprate,I think it will be La India because she has a great voice,personality,attitude and her songs are great wich reflects alot of emotions.

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