Friday, January 19, 2007

Greek Culture

1:The religion of the ancient Greek is different from that of the Jews,Christins and Muslims because the Greeks had no sacred writings,such as the bible.Their worship centered on an elite group of gods- the 12 Olympians.The developed a rich set of myths about their gods.They put their gods as the ultimate power and also served as a reminder of human limitations.

2:The Olympian gods are like the human beings because thay have human emotions.and they are different because they had different qualities than us.

3:Some features of Athenian democracy are that one-fifth of the population participated in the goverment.A lawmaking bodycalled the assembly passed laws and elected generals.Any citizens could be part of the assembly. each 500 years,they were chosen at random to serve on the council of five hundred, wich proposed laws and advised the assembly.Also, many positions were paid ,so even poor citizens could hold office.

4:The three greatest thinkers of Ancient Greece are Socrates,Plato,Aristotle.

5:Some of the events included in the Olympic Games are, boxing,wrestling,the javelin and discus throws,and rases all kinds.

6:What made the Greek language easy to use was the simplicity of using letters to represent all the sounds in the Greek language.

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