Thursday, January 11, 2007

Think through Gilgamesh

1:When I learned the result of Gilgamesh's quest for immortality,I felt shocked and and still kind of thoughtful about the result and why this occured.

1B:Gilgamesh want to find Utnapishtim because he wanted to seek immortality, also known as eternal life.

1C:The story that Utnapishtim tell Gilgamesh was,the story of The Flood.

1D:Utnapishtim become immmortal because some gods touched his head forhead,and wich he was already immortal.

3:Gilgamesh can't accept the fact that human beings die because in one part, he is two parts god and one part human.also, he is scared of death and going through it.he wants to keep finding answers for why this happens.

4:I think the story ends with Gilgamesh proudly showing the city of Uruk because after traveling for a long time he had accomplished his journey.

5:The event in the story that I think had the strongest effect on Gilgamesh was when his best friend died.

6:I think the story of Gilgamesh might continue by staying in his city and added more gardens and portraits.And in the future I think he would be a great ruler and king with alot of power, he would be a supreme person.

7:In our world today, the different attitudes that people take toward death are more different.when it happens,they cry ,yell and fell verry depressed but as time goes on they relize that they have to deal with it and keeep going with their lifes because one day they will go through death too.They won't forget its loved one but they will keep going.

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